All of Victoria Taft’s Stories on Michael Strickland’s Case

April 27, 2017

It alllll makes sense, doesn’t it?
Fox News Spot Lights Antifa Cow Bell Boy Drowning Out College Republicans’ Strickland Free Speech Event at Portland State
Video: Antifa Cow Bell Boy Who Drowned Out Strickland Portland State Free Speech Event Brags, “I’ve been totally successful, I’ve shut this entire Sh** down all by myself.” Wow.
Antifa’s ‘Cow Bell Boy’ Was Verbally Challenged at Strickland-Portland State U. Free Speech Event & Before You Could Say ‘Man-Bun,’ the Issue of ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Came Up.
Antifa ‘Protesters’ Shout Down PSU Free Speech Presentation by Mike Strickland and Police Do … Nothing.
Once-Banned Strickland Back on PSU Campus to Address College Republicans About ‘Liberty’
Strickland Attorney Robert Barnes Drops a Truth Bomb About Antifa & Portland ‘Justice’ and It’s a Stunner
Antifa Labeled as “Terrorist” Group by DHS – Why Portland’s Strickland Attack Was Canary in Coalmine
Strickland Appeal: ‘Attack by Ambush Followed by Trial by Ambush Followed by Verdict by Ambush.’

Michael Strickland’s Defense Fund Link Is Right Here

And here are the previous posts I’ve done on the Strickland case:

New & Updated! Strickland’s ‘Victim’, Benjamin Kerensa: Hacker, Anarchist, Fabulist, Dangerous Man

Before There Were Canceled & Censored Parades, There Was Michael Strickland, ‘Laughing at Liberals’

Video: Watch Strickland Attacker Ben Kerensa Urge Attack on Yet ANOTHER Citizen Journalist

Opinion: Why I’m Not ‘Grateful’ for Michael Strickland Sentence

Strickland Sentenced Today; Appeals Attorney Named

New & Updated! Strickland’s ‘Victim’, Benjamin Kerensa: Hacker, Anarchist, Fabulist, Dangerous Man

Before There Were Canceled & Censored Parades, There Was Michael Strickland, ‘Laughing at Liberals’

I Call on Portland to Cancel May Day Protests, er, Riots

Release the Strickland Tape

Rioters Veto: Portland Cancels Parade After Protesters Plot ‘Terrorist’ Attack on GOP Participants

Portland Protesters Get ‘Traffic Tickets’: Strickland Defended Himself & Faces Prison

Portland Protester Who Threw Bomb at Crowd Given ‘Counseling’; Michael Strickland Faces Prison for Defending Himself

Surprise Speaker at ‘Free Mike Strickland’ Rally Was Witness in Case — And Wait Till You Hear What He Says

Mike Strickland Rally Speakers Put Stakes into Sharp Focus: ‘That Could Be You Next!’

Fund Raiser for Strickland Canceled After Portland Professional Protesters Swing Into Action

Perjury: Counting All the Times Ben Kerensa Lied on the Stand in Strickland Gun Case, Part 1

Seldom Seen Video of Mob of “Victims” Surrounding Strickland Before He Draws Weapon in Self Defense

Portland’s Pro-Protester Justice System

Oregon Firearms Federation Responds to Strickland Gun Conviction

Travesty. Portland Judge: Strickland Guilty on All Counts.

Strickland Trial: Court Documents of the Prosecution’s Star Witness Bomb Hoaxer & Cop Impersonator Ben Kerensa

Strickland Day 2: Defense Waives Jury Trial & Prosecution Witness Admits Anarchists Plotted to Assault Journalist

Here’s What 4 Cops & a 2-A Activist Saw When They Watched ‘Man Pulls Gun on PDX Protesters’ Video

Protesters to Strickland: ‘Snitches Get Stitches’

Violent Protesters Show EXACTLY Why Strickland Carried Gun to Cover Protests

Journalist Charged With Pulling Gun to Stop Anarchist Attack Denied Change of Venue From Anti-Gun Portland

‘He Makes Fun of Us:’Reason Why Anarchists Conspired to Attack Strickland at Portland Protest

Bomb Threats, Activism, Anarchy: ‘Victim’ in Strickland Gun Case Is a Convicted Liar

Witness Against Strickland In Gun Case Is Federal Felon; Anarchist

Strickland Hearing Postponed till Monday

Strickland Hearing Today & the Defense Has a Surprise for the DA

Strickland Indicted on Gun Charges; Ham Sandwich Next In Line

Strickland’s Gun Case Similar to Portland Case That Just Ended In Not-Guilty Verdict

“Self Defense”: Lefty Videographer at BLM Protest Told Cops Twice That PDX Reporter Mike Strickland Drew Gun In Self Defense

The Exoneration of Portland Citizen Journalist Mike Strickland, ‘Laughing at Liberals.’

Citizen Journalist James O’Keefe Spotlights Mike Strickland Case

Protester Going After Mike Strickland Was “Black Panther” Calling for Violence & Gun Play Before #BLM March

Portland Citizen Journalist Banned From Portland Campuses That Frequently Welcomed Radicals & Even Domestic Terrorists

Here’s What 4 Cops & a 2-A Activist Saw When They Watched ‘Man Pulls Gun on PDX Protesters’ Video

Watch This Guy Advance on Mike Strickland Right Before He Pulled Gun At BLM Protest

UPDATED WITH VIDEO: Judge Lifts Gag on Strickland Video Showing Him Attacked by Antifa ‘Victims’-Including Benjamin Kerensa