Organizers have canceled the kick off parade for the venerable Portland Rose Festival after Portland protesters promised violence against Republican Party members who planned to march in the neighborhood event.

KATU TV reported that due to online threats and emails sent to co-conspirators, the organizers of the 82nd Avenue of the Roses Parade canceled it rather than suffer the violence promised by the so called “anti fascist” protesters:

The Multnomah County Republican Party (MCRP) was planning to take part in the parade, however someone sent out an email over the weekend that claimed they would have “two hundred or more people rush into the parade into the middle and drag and push them out.”

The email, sent from “,” said they planned to interrupt the Republican Party because they “will not give one inch to groups who espouse hatred toward LGBT, immigrants, people of color, or others.”

“” is a domain often used by far left Portland protesters.

Here’s a look at the announcement by the ironically dubbed “anti fascists” (ANTIFA) who planned to shut down the free speech of Republicans:

The post read in part:

Fascists plan to march through the streets of Portland in the Avenue of Roses Parade on 82nd.

The fascists know that we’ll keep shutting their marches down, they are now planning to march within other parades to protect their message of hate and white supremacy – it WON’T work.
Nazis will not march through Portland.

The group we’re disrupting is #67.
It is registered to the Multnomah County Republicans, but these infiltrators are the same folks from Lake Oswego, Salem, Vancouver, and even Berkeley.

[ … ] 

Their Trump flags, their red MAGA hats and their hate group badges are all intended to normalize support for an orange man  …

They will attempt to march from the Eastport Plaza to Yamhill, but nazis will not march through our city.

This event is not in opposition to The Avenue of Roses Parade, it is against the fascists who intend to march through our neighborhoods and intimidate our marginalized communities.

By now it’s obvious that “fascists” are people who don’t agree with them.

The post reportedly included this photo of rioters attacking a person wearing a  “Make America Great Again” hat with a bayonet. That image eems to have been scraped from the page now:

According to online reports there’s one person who is believed to be behind the terroristic threats.

Also, long time citizen journalist Dan Sandini picks up the pieces of the investigation into the person behind the threats:

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KATU reports that MCRP chair James Buchal issued a statement and called on Mayor Ted Wheeler to treat this as a criminal matter:

Buchal’s  letter said in part:

“This is criminal conduct. The author is threatening, and has already taken overt acts toward organizing the crime of riot: “while participating with five or more other persons the person engages in tumultuous and violent conduct and thereby intentionally or recklessly creates a grave risk of causing public alarm.” ORS 166.015. At the least what is described is a criminal conspiracy to engage in the crime of disorderly conduct in the second degree….

The MCRP has watched with concern the rising lawlessness in the City of Portland, which has now metastasized to the pony where potential violent criminals are bragging that police are powerless to stop them. The City is not powerless and can easily identify “the” and the other members of this criminal conspiracy, and more importantly, take steps to prevent their proposed criminal conduct”

But former MCRP chair Jeff Reynolds KATU that it comes down to this:

“We advocate for candidates and causes that we believe in, just like anybody else in America under the first amendment. We have the right to free assembly, we have the right to free speech and they are forcibly threatening us with terroristic activities.”

That’s the shot, here’s the chaser. These people who cloak themselves in kaffiyeh cloth and balaclavas are the problem. They have conspired to shut up the people with whom they don’t agree. They’re like Lois Lerner but with knives, poles and guns.

We’ve seen them in Berkeley, Lake Oswego, Portland and Seattle.

They used to call this the “heckler’s veto,” but I’ve changed that to the “rioter’s veto.”

Portland District Attorney’s office lawyers, City Hall, and institutional Portland listen up: The people who planned this “terror” plot are the same people who conspired against journalist Michael Strickland to get him off the public stage because he “made fun of them.”

If this doesn’t tell you what you need to know about how dangerous and lawless Portland is and show you the nature of the political prosecution of Strickland then you are Not.Paying.Attention.

Justice for Michael Strickland. You could be next. In fact, based on what just happened Tuesday, you probably are.