Click here to give to Michael Strickland Defense Fund.


This is a lesser seen video of the anarchist, black bloc, protester mob surrounding Michael Strickland on July 7, 2016.

I’ve provided a voice over explanation of what you can see in the video.

As a result of Strickland pulling his weapon in self-defense, he’s been convicted of 21 counts, 10 of which are felonies.

See if you can spot his “victims” in the video.

The video, taken by Nate Milsap, was the one you may have seen at the presentation I gave at the Executive Club in a couple weeks’ back. But check it out with the enhanced voice over.

Then watch again the video below from “Mike Bluehair” of the what transpired in the rest of the incident:

Advancing Mob on Mike Strickland #LaughingAtLiberals at Black Lives Matter/Don’t Shoot PDX

Black Bloc anarchists and other protesters converge on videographer Michael Strickland on July 7, 2016 in this lesser seen video. The videographer, reporter …

Here’s the Blue Hair video:

Man pulls gun on crowd of Portland protesters

Michael Strickland is facing menacing and disorderly conduct charges after pulling a gun on crowd of Portland protesters. July 7th 2016 link for more info he…

Previous posts about the Strickland case:

Portland’s Pro-Protester Justice System

Oregon Firearms Federation Responds to Strickland Gun Conviction

Travesty. Portland Judge: Strickland Guilty on All Counts.

Strickland Trial: Court Documents of the Prosecution’s Star Witness Bomb Hoaxer & Cop Impersonator Ben Kerensa

Strickland Day 2: Defense Waives Jury Trial & Prosecution Witness Admits Anarchists Plotted to Assault Journalist

Here’s What 4 Cops & a 2-A Activist Saw When They Watched ‘Man Pulls Gun on PDX Protesters’ Video

Protesters to Strickland: ‘Snitches Get Stitches’

Violent Protesters Show EXACTLY Why Strickland Carried Gun to Cover Protests

Journalist Charged With Pulling Gun to Stop Anarchist Attack Denied Change of Venue From Anti-Gun Portland

‘He Makes Fun of Us:’Reason Why Anarchists Conspired to Attack Strickland at Portland Protest

Bomb Threats, Activism, Anarchy: ‘Victim’ in Strickland Gun Case Is a Convicted Liar

Witness Against Strickland In Gun Case Is Federal Felon; Anarchist

Strickland Hearing Postponed till Monday

Strickland Hearing Today & the Defense Has a Surprise for the DA

Strickland Indicted on Gun Charges; Ham Sandwich Next In Line

Strickland’s Gun Case Similar to Portland Case That Just Ended In Not-Guilty Verdict

“Self Defense”: Lefty Videographer at BLM Protest Told Cops Twice That PDX Reporter Mike Strickland Drew Gun In Self Defense

The Exoneration of Portland Citizen Journalist Mike Strickland, ‘Laughing at Liberals.’

Citizen Journalist James O’Keefe Spotlights Mike Strickland Case

Protester Going After Mike Strickland Was “Black Panther” Calling for Violence & Gun Play Before #BLM March

Portland Citizen Journalist Banned From Portland Campuses That Frequently Welcomed Radicals & Even Domestic Terrorists

Here’s What 4 Cops & a 2-A Activist Saw When They Watched ‘Man Pulls Gun on PDX Protesters’ Video

Watch This Guy Advance on Mike Strickland Right Before He Pulled Gun At BLM Protest

4 Responses

  1. Commissioner Fish, Portland City Council, is saying even the City’s own public Council meetings are no longer safe because of these same kind of protestor folks showing up at these meetings. The City and Multnomah County are reaping what they have sewn, creating an aggressive entitlement culture which tramples on the rights of individuals and even stable governance itself. Starett has it right: Stay out of Portland if you can.