Who set this ‘Trump’ truck on fire in Vancouver?

One thing’s for sure, Johnny Mackay knows in his heart that they’re President Trump haters. Mackay left his truck parked overnight outside the Garage Bar and Grille in Vancouver Sunday night. He took an Uber home. When he returned to fetch his truck the next day this is what he saw:

His truck had two bumper stickers on the back and he thinks they are what triggered the attack:

The small stickers read: “Trump 2020 make liberals cry again” and “Trump: Keep America Great.”

USA Today reports that when Mackay saw his truck he was stunned:
The truck was “completely melted” and a light bar on top was “liquefied,” the Vancouver man said.
“It took me by surprise,” Mackay added. “It blew me away.”
Someone at the bar took a video of the fire:
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It’s not known who did it, but it looks to be a so-called hate crime.
Mackay felt impelled to tell USA Today that he hadn’t even voted for Trump, but it shouldn’t matter because, “I feel violated”:
“Maybe he wasn’t the guy you voted for or maybe he wasn’t who you wanted in office, but now he is,” Mackay said. “People just need to relax.”
Locals suspect that Antifa did it. The group is being investigated in another truck conflagration that ended in the death of Leo Stratton, a citizen journalist who recorded Antifa and other protests. Antifa, or someone purporting to be from Rose City Antifa, threatened my life after the Stratton story came out. DHS considers has labeled the group as domestic terrorists.

The group was also responsible for the jailing of another citizen journalist, Mike Strickland, who was prosecuted in Portland for pulling his legal pistol to ward off a mob of thugs trying to throw him out of a protest. No shots were fired and no one else, except Strickland, who had been beaten, was hurt.