Portland Driver Attacked by Antifa Fights Back & Wins Another Legal Battle. VictoriaTaft.com Exclusive
His victory is one for every Portlander sick of the fauxtests and the fauxtesters.
His victory is one for every Portlander sick of the fauxtests and the fauxtesters.
Pretends Cider Riot’s connections to violent Antifa had nothing to do with going out of business.
“Oh. My. God. Becky.”
“F**k Kerensa!”
“Antifa’s gotten to the point where we have to protect ourselves.”
Can GOP Even Get a Beer in Portland Anymore Without Getting Beaten Up by Antifa?
Not “The Onion” nor “The Babylon Bee”
The federal lawsuit names Portland and Multnomah County as defendants
Mike Strickland, Andy Ngo and many others beg to differ.
“[T]he District Attorney of Multnomah County is by all appearances acting as a special prosecutor for Antifa.”
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