It’s a tune on practically every wedding dance mix, it brings down the house at the local karaoke night, the lyrics are memorized by many people over the age of 40(?) and the song is a near-parody of itself. But if you’re a supervisor at Portland Police Bureau, singing it will get you suspended for five days.
That was the punishment meted out to a PPB supervisor by the Police Review Board for singing the song “in front of members of other agencies, using poor judgment and acting unprofessionally,” according to a little snippet in The Oregonian. The item was tucked at the bottom of a story by the newspaper:
A police supervisor was suspended for one week for singing the lyrics of an undisclosed song in front of members of other agencies, using poor judgment and acting unprofessionally. The majority of the board also found the song constituted a violation of the city rule against workplace harassment and discrimination. The board summary redacted the name of the song, where it was sung and the supervisor’s name.
Though no one wanted to drop a dime on the cop, I did manage to get some unconfirmed details about the song deemed so egregious, so offensive, so harassing that the supervisor needed to sit out for a week.
Here it is. “Baby Got Back” by vintage hip hop artist Sir Mix-A-Lot:
Sir Mix-A-Lot – Baby Got Back
Music video by Sir Mix-A-Lot performing Baby Got Back. © 1992 American Recordings, LLC
Sir Mix-A-Lot was in Portland headlining a concert at the Portland Rose Festival on May 25th on the waterfront. Here was the ad copy for the concert:
Sir Mix-A-Lot knows how to get a booty-shaking party going, and he’s been doing just that in the Rose Festival RoZone since 2015! DJ Doc Rock opens the show on Saturday, May 25 (at 8:00 p.m.).

An unconfirmed (though likely spot-on) report says that a supervisor overseeing the police providing security at the event launched into singing the lyrics to the song, thus offending the sensibilities of command officials.
So, shaking your booty is fine for a Rose Festival crowd but not for the cops providing security for it.
To be sure, the song’s nasty. But it’s such an ingrained part of the musical landscape it’s hard to believe that anyone would take personal umbrage at it.
The Portland Police Bureau has witnessed a stream of officers tossing in their badges and moving to other police departments or retiring recently.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why.
The Bureau, overseen by far Left Mayor Ted Wheeler, has to be one of the toughest places to work on the planet. Cops are frequently told to stand-down as Portland Professional Protesters™*, especially the violent and vile Antifa protesters, trash downtown all the while spitting on the cops, yelling in their faces, and hurling invective so offensive that it makes Sir Mix-A-Lot seem tame by comparison.
Cops constantly must walk a politically correct line in precious, ‘progressive’ Portland for fear of hurting the sensibilities of the thugs who wish them dead.
I’ve heard of cops being suspended for excessive force, lying or stealing, but suspended – for an entire week – for singing a song?
In dirty, violent Portland – Bridge City – that’s just a bridge too far for the politically ‘correct’ Left.
Oh. My. God. Becky.