*Video* Murrieta protests bring out Atzlan Reconquista brown shirts
“Are you one of those La Raza guys?” “The way you’re saying that, I don’t understand.” In my post yesterday (here), I linked up an
“Are you one of those La Raza guys?” “The way you’re saying that, I don’t understand.” In my post yesterday (here), I linked up an
William Satmary believes the group he’s a part of is responsible for the Feds diverting buses away from Murrieta in Riverside County A total of 75
I found the racists at the Murrieta illegal alien protest on Monday. A quartet of counter protesters, some wearing uniforms of brown shirts and some
“Imagine there’s no countries [sic], it isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too.” Imagine, John Lennon In John
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