William Satmary believes the group he’s a part of is responsible for the Feds diverting buses away from Murrieta in Riverside County
A total of 75 protesters (and counter protesters) turned up Monday afternoon at the Border Patrol station in Murrieta, California in an effort to turn back buses bringing illegal aliens. Murrieta has been ground zero for protests against the Obama Administration’s smuggling of children and families from Central America into the United States.
Satmary has helped organize what he calls the ‘ad hoc’ protests and told me they’ve been successful so far.
Murrieta Protest Success
One of the Murrieta protest leaders, William Satmary, a retired USMC Lt. Col., told Victoria Taft the band of protesters in Murrieta, California blocked the …
This organizer told me she was horrified the president is using children as human shields for his unpopular immigration policies.
Murrieta Protest Organizer Explains Why They Protest
This woman was on the scene July 7th when protesters once again showed up to stop planned bus loads of illegal aliens from Central America from being dumped …
Reporters from as a diverse a group as Southern California’s Eyewitness News, Alex Jones’ “Infowars” acolytes, to The London Times were there to record whatever happened. Some of the brown shirted, anarchist bandana wearing, “Atzlan” supporters (see post here) attempted to pick fights with the peaceful protesters and got things spun up, but there was no violence or arrests of the sort that occurred July 4th, when some of the brown shirts clashed with cops.
Although the activists received earlier word the buses wouldn’t be coming yesterday, protesters stayed and actually grew in number as the day wore on. Perhaps it was the media presence there. Perhaps it was a mistrust of the federal government’s promises not to bring the buses that day. Whatever it was, on a dusty, wind whipped, 97 degree day people came and they stayed.
As Satmary, a retired Lt. Col. in the Marines told me, we’ll stay as long as it takes to send the message.