Since the Black Lives Matter protest in which citizen journalist Mike Strickland drew a pistol on protesters “bee lining” for him, the Portland media has done everything it can to depict him as something he’s not.
Strickland was freed on $250,000 bail one day before a bail review hearing last week.
Willamette Week insists on called him a “counter protester.” The respected weekly rag has made up this characterization out of whole cloth. On what is this based, exactly? No idea.

Strickland has been on the scene for years now as a citizen journalist. He will goad people into giving him a comment, but that doesn’t make him anymore a “counter protester” than George Stephanopolous is when he goads politicos with whom he disagrees to answer questions.

Worse, both local alternative papers, WW and “The Portland Mercury” have depicted Strickland — a legal gun owner — as some sort of nut because he drew his weapon in self defense.

Lefty videographer Mike Bluehair notes that the alternative media are trying to force this narrative with their own news boxes. He sent this video to me last week to make the point:
The Liberal Media VS Michael Strickland
Liberal media engage in shameless propaganda campaign vilifying Michael Strickland as a crazed gun wielding nut job. Why no media frenzy during the insane am…
The Oregonian tried to make an issue out of Strickland carrying ammo for his pistol:

What, exactly, is the correct amount of ammo to carry, Oregonian? One magazine, two, six? And, as long as we’re on that, please define “extended clip” and prove Strickland had one.
“Strickland had an extended clip in what appeared to be a Glock 26 that he swept at chest level multiple times in front of protesters and a plain-clothed Portland police officer, the prosecutor said.”

Where is the “extended clip”? The world awaits your answer, media.
Of course, the mainstream news outlets find the delicious irony in a person pulling a gun at the BLM protest, locally called “Don’t Shoot PDX.”
I’ll tell you what irony is. Irony is at a so-called ‘peaceful’ protest the New Black Panthers held a pre-rally pep talk calling for violence:
No Title
No Description
I’ll tell you what irony is. Irony is that at a supposedly ‘peaceful’ protest, protesters intentionally assaulted Strickland. Where’s that cutline in the media coverage?
The media swallowed whole the story from a protester who said Strickland tried to “incite or instigate others” at the protest he was covering — when it was they who assaulted Strickland, frightening him so much that he was compelled to pull his pistol in self defense. Now, that’s irony.
The media certainly have their preconceived — and wrong — narrative that they’re wedded to. The real question is, when confronted over and over with the truth of this case, will they bother to inform the public or will they stick with their false narrative?
See my previous posts:
Here’s What 4 Cops & a 2-A Activist Saw When They Watched ‘Man Pulls Gun on PDX Protesters’ Video
Strickland Isn’t the Only Reporter Threatened & Assaulted by Black Lives Matter Protesters
Citizen Journalist James O’Keefe Spotlights Mike Strickland Case
The Exoneration of Portland Citizen Journalist Mike Strickland, ‘Laughing at Liberals.’