Over the weekend illegally masked violent agents provocateurs known as “antifa” took over Portland’s downtown streets.
Or, as I called it, just another day.
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Hey look, it’s another day that ends with a ‘y’ in #Portland. https://t.co/sUdnm9J1xw
But this time one prominent Constitutional expert was watching and said enough is enough. Senator Ted Cruz called for a federal investigation into Portland Mayor/Police Commissioner Ted Wheeler’s handling of antifa violence.
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Thank you for reporting on this sickening assault. Other journalists should do the same & those who facilitated or turned a blind eye to domestic terrorists-e.g., the Mayor-should be held fully accountable. By DOJ. By civil litigators. By criminal prosecutors. AND by the media. https://t.co/uqRRYEmhFe
The people who call themselves “anti” fascist organized an un-permitted response to two separate legal marches by right-leaning groups and ended up clubbing two reporters covering the competing marches.
Quilette editor, Andy Ngo, was beaten so badly that he took himself to the ER:
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In the ER. pic.twitter.com/spe5N4nzVl
The beating is hard to watch. Good thing someone got it on video because the police weren’t there to watch it … or stop it:
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Well known attorney Harmeet Dhillon said that Ngo had been hospitalized with a brain bleed. Interesting that she would know that. Do you think that she’s Ngo’s attorney?
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Criminal gang at work, brought to you by the total capitulation of @tedwheeler and his police force told to stand down. https://t.co/M2c3CE0qab
The thugs who threw rocks and what police believe may have been quick cement “milkshakes” also stole his camera equipment.
Here they are handing out the “milkshakes” from the back of a rented pick up. Notice no one is drinking them. It was 81º in Portland.
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This one is even better! Again, here’s the folks that handed out the quick drying cement laced milkshakes pic.twitter.com/f38YjVDnZW
Ngo was in the ER and Antifa’s facebook page declared “J29 was a success for the people of Portland and showed that we will always stand up to fascism” and bragged about their concoction:

I’ve begged people to complain to the US Attorney’s Office or DOJ to investigate the political and police response to Antifa. There is a two-tiered system of justice in Multnomah County, Oregon as the Michael Strickland case shows. There is a First, Second and 14th Amendment case to be made against Portland’s one-party system of justice.
Mike Strickland’s case was the canary in the coal mine – Antifa’s ‘Victim Zero’ – on how local prosecutors and police blame the victim if he holds the wrong political views. His case happened before Berkeley, before the campus violence. Worse for him, Strickland drew his legally possessed concealed hand gun and backed off the advancing group of Antifa and other protesters who had already roughed him up and were coming back to do worse.
After police let him go with a ticket. Prosecutors, egged on by anti gun activists, ginned up 24 counts against Strickland, many of them felonies. The Antifa marauders were turned into victims. Here are two of them:

Strickland stood to go to prison for 50 years. So bogus was the case, that Strickland, who was stripped of his First and Second Amendment rights, was sentenced to 41-days of weekend jail. Strickland was ordered to never video another protest and to shut up about his case. As a convicted felon, he will never again be able to carry a gun or vote.
When he finally was allowed to talk about his 2016 case, a ‘protester’ with a cowbell came and drowned him out while police watched and did nothing.
Strickland’s case is on appeal at the Oregon State Court of Appeals. His attorney, Robert Barnes, thinks the case may go to the state Supreme Court. Oregon’s Leftist judiciary, which has failed to acknowledge the Antifa threat and its chilling effect on speech, is not up-to-speed yet.
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In Portland, if you merely show you are armed, you will be arrested, charged with a felony, and banned from public events for “disturbing” ANTIFA with your presence. Ask Mike Strickland. https://t.co/XUO3EaQFBP
Here’s what Barnes said of Strickland’s case after he argued at the Appeals Court:
Robert Barnes Speaks After Michael Strickland Appeals Hearing
October 12th, 2018, attorney Robert Barnes speaks after oral arguments in the Oregon Court Of Appeals regarding the Mike Strickland case.
With Harmeet Dhillon and Ted Cruz finally seeing this threat and Robert Barnes working on the Strickland case, we may finally get the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice’s attention. But only if you complain.