Politics doesn’t kill people, people – sometimes crazy people – kill people, and I tried to keep that in mind in my piece yesterday about the Leftist views of both mass murderers over the weekend. I tried not to pile on in the facile way as happens so often. Here’s part of what I wrote:
In Dayton, where the killer murdered his own sister and then proceeded to mow down eight others outside a nightclub at 1am, the killer was a registered Democrat, a gun enthusiast, and, according to what is believed to be his Twitter account, held “extreme left views.” He liked Elizabeth Warren, hated Immigration and Customs Officers, was a fan of Antifa and, in the hours before he took his rifle to a night club, ‘liked’ tweets about the El Paso mass shooting.
In high school, he got in trouble for keeping a “hit list” of people he’d like to kill, a “rape list” for girls he’d like to rape. CNN reports the police were notified of the kill list, but it’s unclear if the cops, school district or his parents did anything to treat his violent ideations.
In El Paso, where the killer, an apparent eco-terrorist, reportedly left behind a manifesto about an Hispanic immigration “invasion” at the cost of the environment. He discussed the Christ Church terrorist’s eco-fascist beliefs in the screed he left behind. The killer’s murderous rampage at a Walmart killed 22 people, eight of whom were Mexican citizens. Reporters said the killings were motivated by “white supremacist” views, a motivation denounced by President Trump, but police don’t really know the motivation. The killer added that his views predated President Trump‘s. Weird.
Democratic presidential candidates breathtakingly tried to fob off the El Paso mass murder on President Trump’s views on illegal immigration in their usual fashion: by purposely conflating it with legal immigration. Therefore, they ‘reasoned,’ one of the killers, the eco-terrorist, was a “white supremacist” because he didn’t like “Hispanics” pouring over the border and, hey, that’s what we imagine Trump means when he castigates illegal immigration so the killer is just like the president and we call the president a white supremacist, so they’re totally the same person! Umkay.
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Murderers and terrorists keep naming TRUMP as inspiration for their crimes. Trump is INCITING TERRORISM IN AMERICA. #WhiteNationalistTerrorism #TrumpTerrorist #TrumpsTerrorists #WhiteNationalist #DaytonShooting #elpasoshooter pic.twitter.com/QKGRLpR5qt
The Dayton killer was a mentally ill young man who’d been hearing voices in his head for years, according to a former girlfriend. He was also a Leftist, Antifa-loving, anti-capitalist, Trump-hating douchebag, but this, too, was all Trump’s fault by the Democrats’ lights. They don’t know why. It just IS, ok?
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As long as Donald Trump is in office – It’s just going to keep getting worse. He’s the fuel Domestic Terrorists, White Supremacists and other hate-filled wackos have been waiting for.#ElPasoShooting #DaytonShooting #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism pic.twitter.com/KvnpXeDtP0
For three years I’ve been dutifully following the case of Mike Strickland, an independent journalist, who was attacked by Antifa at a downtown Portland, Oregon anti-violence rally organized by people who, ironically, were pro-guns and calling for violence against the police. But when an Antifa mob roughed up Strickland to get him tossed from the protest rally and it didn’t work, they came back to finish the job. Strickland drew his gun in self defense to back them off. It worked. No shots were fired. One of the people who menacingly followed Strickland was one of the leaders who’d called for violence.

Strickland, not Antifa, was convicted of felonies and served time in jail.
Then, this year, independent reporter Andy Ngo was beaten by Antifa during another Portland, Oregon melee.

He didn’t fight back. He suffered a brain injury. No one’s been arrested for the near-deadly assault.
Antifa was behind the Berkeley violence done to stop conservative speakers from coming to campus.

These killers in El Paso and Dayton both were in their 20’s and, as one observer put it in my Bible study today, have been inculcated with some pretty crazy ideas. In the case of the eco-terrorist in El Paso, he’d been told by everyone from Al Gore to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we were all going to die within a few years because of environmental degradation and global warming. His ideas were obviously extreme, but it wasn’t too long ago that the Sierra Club held even more severe beliefs on immigration than the killer.
In Dayton, the killer was told that everyone from President Trump on down were “racists,” “fascists” and “nazis,” worthy of being attacked.
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“Official MAGA Starter Kit”#ohioshooting #DoSomething #GunConrolNow Texas and Ohio ANOTHER SHOOTING #DomesticTerrorism El Paso and Dayton #daytonshooting #PrayForDayton #SundayThoughts #SundayMorning @realDonaldTrump @GOP #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism pic.twitter.com/rKmarK0vzB
Antifa believes that, as I routinely put it, anyone to the right of Mao is a nazi-racist-fascist.
About a month before they physically attacked him, Antifa called Strickland a “racist,” without evidence of any sort, of course. They did it to tee him up to be ousted from ‘their’ rally (on public streets) and later to be physically beaten out of the anti-gun rally in July 2016.
As Andy Ngo put it in a piece in the NY Post, where he purloined my Mao saying, the Dayton killer considered the Antifa nutter who tried to firebomb the ICE detention center to be a “martyr” for the cause.
We’ve been here before.
The 1960’s and 1970’s saw the Bill Ayers’s Weather Underground and other domestic terror groups fire bomb, kidnap, assault and murder all in the name of ‘peace’ and ‘change.’
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Bill Ayers Name Linked to #Antifa #Berkeley Violence – https://t.co/YoXnwqYAR3 – #WeatherUnderground #Subversion #BerkeleyRiots #MILO #MAGA pic.twitter.com/dezBO62wkc
And in the late 1990’s, the Portland office of the FBI began an investigation of the domestic terror group known as “The Family.”

The animal and eco terror cell was responsible for torching a Vail, Colorado ski resort, San Diego apartment complex under construction and conducting Oregon SUV fires and tree spiking operations.

They were based from Portland to Eugene. They started out as ardent animal and environment lovers and eventually talked themselves into committing acts violence which could have easily killed innocents.

They didn’t care. Fewer people, fewer environmental problems and more room for the animals, right?
With the mass murders over the weekend, it looks like the FBI has gotten itself another eco and Antifa group to investigate. Antifa has already declared “war” on all the folks who don’t think like them.

I hope the Feds get on this fast before these domestic terrorists rack up any more victims.