This could get interesting.

orbamacare singer start talking

In the last paragraph of a story about tax credits being given to people who can’t get health insurance due to the mismanagement and hamfistedness of the governor and the people he put in charge of the Cover Oregon website, there’s this little nugget,

The bill [HB 4154] also extends whistle-blower protection to Cover Oregon employees and specifies the governor’s authority to remove board members.

Whistleblower statutes cover people who work for the state and federal governments. They accord them protection from retribution for speaking out about government waste, fraud, illegality, unethical behavior and other problems. It seems to me there should be plenty of people talking now.

As I pointed out here, here, here, here, Governor John Kitzhaber and the people he charged with Cover Oregon–OrBamaCare–aren’t talking. In fact, they’ve sicced security on people with temerity to ask questions. 

Maybe if workers have whistleblower status we’ll finally get some answers. 

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