PDX Under Siege with Andy Ngô
The Rose City is descending into dystopia at the hands of armed thugs and its citizens are caught in the crossfire.
The Rose City is descending into dystopia at the hands of armed thugs and its citizens are caught in the crossfire.
Journalist Andy Ngô joins to talk about his new book, “Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy.”
What did Andy Ngô see onscene when ANTIFA swarmed Mike Strickland?
Mike Strickland, Andy Ngo and many others beg to differ.
“If only there were some sort of group Portland could hire to protect it’s citizens and allow them to feel safe in their city.”
“The chilling effect continues, long after the event is disrupted.”
The Daily Caller lights up Cow Bell Boy and gives rise to this comment, “I was just wondering if you had any balls … “
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