A couple clashes of violence occurred between the Patriot Prayer group and Portland Professional Protesters, Incorporated™ antifa division™, on Saturday evening in downtown Portland but there were no arrests, according to Portland Police.

Patriot Prayer was holding a march for “law and order” and called on the city to replace Mayor Ted Wheeler, whose flaccid response to the thuggish antifa protesters has been pilloried across the country:

Twitter/Mike Bivins

As usual, local videographer Mike Bivins (who hasn’t been beaten by antifa – see Mike Strickland) provided the backdrop:

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Forty five minutes before the planned march, I drove through the designated area and it was as calm as a glassy lake on a summer’s night.

Just before the march was to step off, Patriot Prayer members showed up and consulted with cops:

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They promised no violence:

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But antifa showed up to ‘avenge’ the “alpha males” and “racists” of Patriot Prayer who dared telegraph their evil plans to march for “law and order” in downtown Portland. And violence happened:

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The way it looks on Bivins’s video (which he reportedly sold to NBC), is that antifa tried to block the patriot prayer guys’s paths.

The incident gave rise to an age old question which I posed:

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If antifa stays home it doesn’t happen.If police do their jobs and ‘protect’ those patriot dudes it doesn’t happen. It’s stupid and ridiculous. But it doesn’t happen without the Leftist antifa. If patriot guys don’t show antifa still commits violence. Anyone see a pattern?

Here are the typical sides I see:

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Antifa fancies itself as anti fascist. Here’s the Merriam Webster dictionary definition of fascism:

fascism noun
fas·cism | \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- \
Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality
— J. W. Aldridge

Antifa, Incorporated™ stops after this statement to define fascism:

“…[O]ften capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race …”

The group stops there because it’s the only part of the definition they can squeeze into their view of fascism. It doesn’t even matter that the Patriot Prayer people have a panoply of ethnicities involved to counter the “racism” epithet,  Antifa believes PP’s voting for Donald Trump is de facto fascism, which, of course, in their heads gives them license to hate and commit violence against the blacks, whites and Hispanics in the right-wing group.

Antifa members have convinced themselves that they will ‘defend the honor of Portland’ and do anything to stop the legal speech of the Patriot Prayer group.

Now look at the second definition of fascism:

“[A] tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality.”

Antifa may believe that Patriot Prayer is a fascistic organization whose members don white sheets and conical caps every Saturday night at the weekly cross burning, but  in their zeal to ‘defend the honor of Portland,’ they deny the group the ability to hold a peaceful protest and exercise their freedom of speech through “dictatorial control … and brutality,” which actually is fascism.

Antifa, Incorporated™ self aggrandizing representations that they are ‘defending the honor’ of anything is as full of hot air as the Patriot Prayer guys’ expectations of a ‘peaceful’ protest.

Twitter/Mike Bivens

Question for the comment section: What came first, antifa or patriot prayer and would there be any violence without antifa?

Comments are moderated so don’t lose heart if yours is not immediately published.

3 Responses

  1. Antifa is the biggest part of this problem. Wheeler the second biggest. I believe PDX Cops will do their job if allowed . . . big if.

    1. Antifa would not exist in Portland if the city officials hadn’t allow Occupy Wall Street and Black Flag Anarchist to vandalize and terrorize the citizens many years ago. The City of Portland has shone that is will tolerate this lawlessness, and that is has gotten complete out of control I don’t know how the will restore order. In 10 years will Portland look like Detroit? Or Beirut?

  2. A prayer rally doesnt scream violence. So I think that if Antifia hadnt shown up it would have been a calm rally a few speaches and then some prayer then home. However the left has got skills I know people who thi k they were the heroes. That they are on the right side and she is a middle of the road person I could notbelieve my ears