Anti gun group uses family member of Clackamas Town Center shooting to tout Kitzhaber
I wonder if Lois Lerner would approve. Oh, wait, she probably did.
I wonder if Lois Lerner would approve. Oh, wait, she probably did.
The man who has “stolen” his ideas from MoveOn, Elizabeth “You Didn’t Build That” Warren and the failed policies of Barack Obama, gets media to malign his opponent with laughable charges of “plagiarism”.
Judicial Watch demands to know what was meant by reference donor list “secret research project”. I’ll ask about it when the president of the group joins
IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: HARD COPIES of some ‘missing’ Lois Lerner emails. You must credit and link VictoriaTaft.com for use of this material. The latest in
As my friend said, “We need this guy as our Attorney General” This exchange between Rep Trey Gowdy and the IRS Commissioner was highlighted in
NBC’s Chuck Todd frames move as giving 501c4 groups more “clarity” and less need for government interference. NBC White House correspondent Chuck Todd tweeted out
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