IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: HARD COPIES of some ‘missing’ Lois Lerner emails.
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The latest in the IRS scandal is that the ‘missing’ Lois Lerner emails may have had hard copy back ups. These are among the same emails that existed and would be sent to Congress, ‘lost’ on a ‘crashed hard drive’, then morphed into a ‘recycled hard drive’ which then magically became an only ‘scratched hard drive’ which then became salvageable (again), have now become printed emails.
John Koskinen was in San Diego July 15th to keynote a meeting of tax preparers at the Town and Country Hotel. After his speech he sat down with reporters. Most of them left before he said, in answer to one of my questions, some of Lois Lerner’s 24,000 missing emails were backed up on HARD COPY, if they pertained to a particular case. According to Koskinen, those emails should be included in the files of conservative groups. I would add, if they’re not included, the IRS has some more ‘splainin’ to do.
Victoria Taft with John Koskinen Some of Lois Lerner’s missing emails were PRINTED OUT
John Koskinen says some of Lois Lerner’s missing emails were PRINTED OUT as back ups. Victoria Taft sat down with Koskinen after he spoke at a tax preparer m…
As for the ‘recycled’, ‘missing’, ‘scratched’, hard drives? Koskinen says they sent them to their best experts. But he unapologetically added, “nobody ever promised to turn over emails we don’t have,”
Koskinen to Taft “Nobody said we would provide emails we don’t have “
IRS Chief John Koskinen says they never lied to Congress. “Nobody said we would provide emails we DON’T have.” Victoria Taft sat down with Koskinen after he …
Do I really need to add that it’s tough to know what the IRS does or doesn’t have since it keeps changing the story?
Judicial Watch has done more to get information out of the IRS than any other group. I asked Koskinen about Judicial Watch’s claim conservative groups are still being suppressed by the IRS targeting. He said that isn’t true.
IRS Chief John Koskinen says Judicial Watch is wrong
Must credit . IRS Chief John Koskinen says Judicial Watch is wrong when it claims the IRS continues to shut out conservative groups seeking …
Koskinen said the IRS plans to change its rules, but the IRS only sought to codify the tactics Lois Lerner was using to ice out conservative groups. Koskinen told me some liberal groups were kept out, too. I asked him how many. He couldn’t answer.
Victoria Taft to IRS Chief John Koskinen: How many lib groups shut out?
Must credit At an IRS sponsored confab for tax preparers in San Diego’s Town and Country Hotel on Tuesday, July 15th, IRS Chief John Koskine…
And get ready, Congress, Mr. Koskinen is teeing you up for blame in the scandal.
IRS Chief John Koskinen: Congressional cutbacks will make computer problems worse
Must credit IRS Chief John Koskinen keynoted a confab of tax preparers at the Town and Country Hotel in San Diego July 15th–the same day C…
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