Announcement from the Executive Club:

Executive  Club  Meeting!
7:00 pm  •  Wednesday March 1st  •  Airport Shilo Inn

Multnomah County turned darker in February, and it wasn’t the rain.

In spite of the overwhelming statistics that indicate handguns
drawn in self-defense are almost never fired, and when they are
fired kill an innocent party only a tenth as often as police do…

In spite of clear video evidence that a mob was in pursuit of and
assaulting a journalist as he tried to get away…

In spite of the mob not being so much as charged with any crime…

It was “2nd Amendment be damned! Fear for life and limb, stand down!
So what if that journalist had already been hospitalized by one such
unprosecuted thug, and was now pursued by a several with hate-full eyes?”

Darkness took the win, by the hand of one judge:
the victim of that mob assault, Mike Strickland, was charged with,
and convicted of, 21 felonies.

Perverse “progressive” Portland’s very own political prisoner.

Our speaker this month takes just a bit of exception to this travesty.

Mike Strickland

Mike Strickland
Victoria Taft

Victoria Taft

Portland Airport Shilo Inn  ~~  11707 Northeast Airport Way
Bring a friend!  ~~  $20 select menu option  ~~  no host bar

And of course, the cigar room, afterward

Next meeting after this: April 5th

One Response

  1. Hi Victoria! It was great to see you at the Executive Club meeting. Too bad you could not join Greg Clapper and me in the Cigar Lounge.
    I want to volunteer to help you make the Strickland Case a national story/cause. I have some questions for you, first, however. I “messaged” my phone number toyou on FB. I look foreward to chat.