Will Portland’s Office of Equity and Human Rights investigate?

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

As I sat down to watch Laughing at Liberals’ latest excellent video offerings about this weekend’s Free Palestine protests, I have to admit, even I was surprised by the Portland professional protesters. Starting at :48 seconds into the following video you can hear the chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Fearless Granny Confronts Anti Israel Punks

A small band of rebel Israel supporters counter protest a pro Palestine rally. This grandma shows no fear as she heads right into the militant looking, pro H…

This chant chilled me to the bone. Anyone who knows Hamas, the radical Muslim Brotherhood outpost in Gaza–and indeed part of the government, KNOWS this refers to extinguishing Israel, or, as some put it, “wiping Israel off the map.”

Protesters on the streets of Portland chanted for genocide of Jews.

If you don’t believe me, just look at the map nearby. The Jordan River establishes Israel’s border on the east, while its western border is the Mediterranean Sea.


And here’s the truth: Protesters were chanting on the streets of Portland to not only get rid of Israel–but the Jewish people. There is no other way to understand this. None.

This was not a chant blithely tossed off by thoughtless dilettantes. This chant was no mistake. These protesters may be useful idiots, but even trained seals can understand this.  

See, according to its own charter, Hamas will  not abide anyone but believers in Islam on its land. In radical Islam you either forswear your own faith and convert, pay a devastating fine, or die. That means no Jews in Palestine. 

It has been ever thus.

 Jihad, Jihad, Jihad; a million martyr; from the River to the Sea Palestine will be free, the goal is not peace, the goal is victory and victory is the destruction of Israel.PLO founder Yassar Arafat


Hamas is worse.  Not only does the Hamas Covenant commit to the destruction of Israel, but also their leaders exhort to the annihilation of every Jew in “Palestine.”

Can you imagine polite society standing mute amid chants of people calling for the annihilation of an entire people group? In what other arena is it acceptable behavior to call for genocide? Even the Westboro nutters don’t go that far, and for their religious quackery, they are rightly shunned by polite society. 

Even the Westboro nutters don’t go that far, and for their religious quackery, they are rightly shunned by polite society. 

Though I don’t believe in speech codes and think the so called Office of Equity in Portland is a colossal waste of money, as long as there is one in existence, Jews and friends of Israel everywhere should call on this office to publicly shame and out this group of radicals for what they are: anti semites, racists and believers in genocide. They and their outpost at Portland State University should be booed off the public stage. 




2 Responses

  1. Islamic Palestinians, Islamic Arabs, Islamic Syrians, Islamic Sudanese, Islamic Somalians…ALL Islamic/Muslim immigrants will NEVER assimilate into the American culture! We must accept this, and deal with them accordingly. In effect, they are enemies of our American values, liberty, our schools, and our Constitution…we must recognize them as such. We can either do the hard stuff now, or fight them in the streets later!

    1. We live with Muslims every single day, Jordan, so I don’t accept your point as written. What I do agree with is your assertion we’d better be prepared and WILLING TO SEE what’s going on here–even on the streets of Portland.