Pete the Banker: Outrage Builds Over Gruber’s ObamaCare Lies
ObamaCare Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics
Recently disclosed statements by the Administrations point man on the Affordable Care Act, Jonathan Gruber, are reminiscent of the Jack Nicholson phrase in the movie a “A Few Good Men”, “You can’t handle the truth”!
Jonathan Gruber was the architect of Romney Care in Mass, the Obama Administration’s Affordable Care Act, as well as a paid contractor who served as an implementer and spokesman for the ACA under a $400K contract. And now, according to the Washington Times, we discover Gruber made MILLIONS lying to the American public:
Those “stupid” people have been extremely generous to Mr. Gruber. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) in 2010 investigated the $297,600 that the Department of Health and Human Services paid Mr. Gruber to sing the praises of the health care scheme.
Minnesota, for example, used federal Obamacare grants to pay Mr. Gruber to attend one meeting, participate in a biweekly email list and print a copy of the report, all for $329,000. Wisconsin paid Mr. Gruber $400,000 for the same material, requested by the office of then-Gov. Jim Doyle, a Democrat. When the report was presented, Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican, didn’t want Mr. Gruber at the news conference. Vermont is paying him another $400,000. Such a deal!
West Virginia, Maine, Colorado and Oregon have partaken of Mr. Gruber’s services, too, guaranteeing him a tidy sum. The money bought lies and deception. That’s Mr. Gruber’s characterization, not ours. “If you had a law which made it explicit that healthy people are going to pay in and sick people get money,” said Mr. Gruber, “it would not have passed.”
Additionally, Gruber filed a Friend-of-the-Court-Brief defending the ACA in defense of the Administration’s position before the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. This case is now pending appeal before the Supreme Court.
His comments reflect the ultimate deception of the ACA,
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…
Remember the Nancy Pelosi statement during the ACA debate, “We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It”
The comments on that video were made at an academic conference.I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.
Note that his selection of words in his alleged “apology” suggest he apologizes for the comments, but not about the central ideas he espouses. Nuanced indeed. When further pressed to elaborate on his response, he then launched into a tangential argument spinning blame on the Bush and prior Administrations for their lack of transparency. An obvious deflection again intended to mask his true beliefs.
Since the release of this first tape, two more videos (and now another) have emerged verifying that the first tape was not a single incident, nor a one time slip of tongue, but a strongly held conviction. Gruber again,
And again,
One more time(?),
But then, he is sorry for the comments?!?
And at a subsequent interview, Gruber has had the audacity to claim Republicans were confusing people?? He stated,
I think that this comes to the master strategy of the Republican party, which is to confuse people enough about the law so that they don’t understand that the subsidies they’re getting is because of the law.
Rather amusing that Gruber who admits “lack of transparency” and blames Americans for stupidity, then has the audacity to blame the bill’s opponents for confusing people?! Perhaps this latest assertion will become the introductory statement in his next speaking engagement.
The promise of transparency has been the hallmark promise of Obama’s Administration from day one, comparable to Ulysses version of sea nymph sirens whose beguiling and enticing songs rendered his crew defenseless. The incessant chant of “transparency” parroted by both Obama himself and his Administration have mesmerized hard working Americans to believe that all their problems and in this case all their medical issues will be forever resolved. Among other instances, these melodic chants were introduced with the 2009 call to transparency:
This is the most transparent administration in history.
And Obama’s White House Website itself repeats this pledge,
My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.
Interesting that while the Administration gave lip service to the concept of transparency, it eagerly embraced deception to pass ObamaCare.
Americans who accepted the Administration’s and the Democrat’s promises assuring them that the ACA would reduce medical costs, prevent accelerating insurance costs, improving the quality of health care, all while allowing them to keep their existing insurance, doctor, and hospital access were beguiled. Those melodic promises of the ACA’s architects were nothing more than a cruel illusion perpetrated on hard working, decent Americans, guilty of only trusting elected representatives and not stupidity.
Once again, Pete the Banker is ahead of the curve with this complete story. Well, almost. This afternoon we heard about a 6th Gruber video. It’s hard to keep up with the liars, isn’t it?
Hi Victoria,
Perhaps duct tape would do wonders!! 🙂
Interesting in 2010 there was apparently controversy over Gruber’s lack of disclosure of his HHS contract payments. Perhaps the full extent of “Mr. Mandate’s” (NYT) ideas weren’t the only thing he was hiding.
Once again, Pete the Banker is ahead of the curve with this complete story. Well, almost. This afternoon we heard about a 6th Gruber video. It’s hard to keep up with the liars, isn’t it?
Hi Victoria,
Perhaps duct tape would do wonders!! 🙂
Interesting in 2010 there was apparently controversy over Gruber’s lack of disclosure of his HHS contract payments. Perhaps the full extent of “Mr. Mandate’s” (NYT) ideas weren’t the only thing he was hiding.