Businessman says he’s been fined by the City for his Christmas sign.

Image Credit: Kevin Kerwin
Image Credit: Kevin Kerwin

From Kerwin’s Facebook page:

Well my Christmas sign with Muslims on it got me a ticket and I have to go to court since its my second offense. I could be charged up to a 1000 dollars and have to go to court and not just pay the 150. The city council is involved and Muslims are outraged at me. Looks like I really did it this time. Merry Christmas and Happy New year. I guess the Muslims didn’t like me saying they chop peoples head off. If anyone wants to help me wade threw this bullshit let me know. I’m pretty sure they can’t beat me for being conservative just fine the hell out of me. I told the sign ordinance guy I was going to lay down in the street and destroy police cars and rob all the stores. He just looked at me and smiled. hmmm

Lake Oswego and Kerwin have done this dance before. Kerwin’s very prominent window for his computer repair business –at State Street and A in Lake Oswego– is highly visible.

The rules say LO businesses must keep signs to 25% of window size. They claim their complaints with Kerwin in the past were about the ordinance and not view point discrimination which is clearly unconstitutional.

Kerwin might need a defense fund started. He claims by the time this is over, he could owe $1000.