Eugene area Democrat Senator Floyd Prozanski continued his contemptible way in dealing with the public on his “incoherent,” “incomprehensible,” “vindictive” bill stealing Oregonians’ Second Amendment rights by pulling another legislative-sleight-of-hand in the wee hours of this morning.

Of course he did.

As I previously pointed out,the phalanx of new guns regulations contained in Senate Bill 978 started out as a brief four paragraph ‘bill.’ Three amendments to it have ballooned the skimpy bill into a multi-thousand word sweeping change of the Oregon gun laws.

Kevin Starrett, Oregon Firearms Federation

Oregon Firearms Federation chief Kevin Starrett reports that Prozanski pulled another fast-one last night, hours before a scheduled vote on the bill. Prozanski waited until after midnight and added a fourth 44 page amendment to the bill.

No Title

orpol A lot of Oregonians showed up to say that their 2nd amendment rights belong to them. Not the corrupt super majority ruling the state.

Starrett sent out this email blast called, “While You Were Sleeping”:

“In the still of the night, (12 .16 am this morning to be exact) Floyd Prozanski introduced yet another 44 page amendment to SB 978. This would be the “dash 4″ amendment.

It makes changes to several provisions of previous amendments including definitions of “untraceable” and “undetectable” firearms and the new prohibitions on being near a public building or airport with a firearm. Although the bill was scheduled to be voted on in the Senate Judiciary Committee today, it was moved to tomorrow’s schedule.  They may very well sneak in more proposed amendments in the middle of the night before then.SB 1040 was also moved to tomorrow’s schedule. So far one amendment has been introduced to that bill. More could be coming. The Senate Judiciary Committee will meet tomorrow to move these bills at 8.15 am .HB 2013 was scheduled to be heard today in the House Judiciary Committee. That bill was also postponed until tomorrow awaiting amendments which have not been posted as of the time of this alert.Stay tuned. The fight goes on.” [emphasis added]

Twitter/Devon Beer

In addition to gutting and stuffing the bill, adding an emergency clause (read more about that here), in addition to subverting gun ownership in Oregon, Prozanski and his allies in the gun-hating groups are manipulating the calendar to make sure you’re not in Salem when this thing comes to a vote.

USA Today

It’s shameful and unethical.

8 Responses

  1. Reminds me of that weasel of a leader at Alexandria in “The Walking Dead”. Remember? The one that got hung in season 8 or 9??? Any chance that subduction zone could open up soon?

  2. Apparently the presence of the law abiding Patriot majority to have any effect on the anti gun voting I want to know what can be done other than become a noncompliant outlaw according to the Oregon government? WE WILl NOT COMPLY!

  3. This is totally corrupt, if they take the guns from honest people only law breakers will have guns, that is one of the reasons for the 2nd amendment, another is to stop the illegal activities of the elected people!! The people that wrote the constitution were a lot smarter than the people in charge right now — Oregon needs help!!

    1. I’m trying! I’m living in California now (which is worse!) but, of course, as a Native Daughter and long time broadcaster and blogger in Oregon I’m trying to help.

  4. We need to take their power away from them. We need to remind them that they are public servants and that they work for us. We need them voted out. They people from the counties outside Portland Salem and Eugene have no voice and our reps are worthless. Please get the word out and let’s get them out.