Hillary Clinton’s ‘welcome’ committee came a little early when street artist SABO plastered a Brentwood, California neighborhood with his iconic flying monkeys depiction of the former, and possibly future, presidential candidate in advance of her fundraiser here Monday.

The US Senate fundraiser is planned for Monday at the Tavern Restaurant by the biggest of the Hollywood A-Listers. Here’s who the Hollywood Reporter says will be in attendance:
The list of co-chairs for the Oct. 20 event, which will include a dinner and reception at Tavern restaurant, now includes Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg and wife Kate Capshaw, Alanand Cindy Horn, Casey Wasserman, Live Nation’s Michael Rapino, tech investor Shervin Pishevar and Andy Spahn,according to an invite circulating among top fundraisers in Hollywood.
In addition to Clinton, senators Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer and Michael Bennet are also attending the event, with tickets selling for $32,400 per person.
But the anti Hillary forces contrived a faux version of the restaurant’s website and changed a few things around–such as the menus:

chorizo and eggs for all the hungry undocumented voters 15
imam pancakes with vermont maple syrup 12
poverty due to this economy $2
broccoli, cheddar and egg whites (that’s racist!) on wheat 9
And general:
democrat women are pieces of meat
(subject to availability)
gays need jobs too 3.50
we hate only christian churches, muslims rock 4.25
muslims kill gays, we support them 4
get stoned at the beverly hilton 4.50
we hate gays, we love democrat gays 3.75
we hate women, we love democrat women 3.25
we hate mexicans, we love democrat mexicans 4.25
we failed with ebola 3
all cities run by democrats are broken 6.25
Reaction has been mixed:
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Anti-Clinton Monkey Postrs Flyin High in LA b4 Fundraisr #FlyingMonkey #HillaryClinton #LosAngeles #SABO http://t.co/5Ti4uAlSXw
And SABO has responded to critics:
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