I guess you could say Richard Spencer is ‘alt’ right– waaaaay around-the-horn that is. The dapperly dressed millennial, a white nationalist, has outed himself as a socliast in a new movie.
In Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary about racism in America, “Death of a Nation,” the writer, author and documentarian sits down with Spencer and asks him what he believes:
EXCLUSIVE MOVIE CLIP: What does white supremacist Richard Spencer really believe?
Yes, Charlottesville was a tragedy, but the media Left’s Charlottesville narrative-that white nationalists are on the Right-is fake. Here’s a glimpse of the …
Spencer tells D’Souza:
“No individual has a right, outside a collective community. You have rights, not eternally, or given by God or nature. You have them because you are a part of this community. Ultimately the state gives those rights to you.”
Said no conservative ever.
Oh, and his two favorite presidents are Democrats.
So let’s go to the racist tote board, shall we? Democrats are:
- The party of slavery.
- The party of the Ku Klux Klan.
- The party of the KKK founder Nathan Bedford Forrest
- The party of Jim Crow.
- The party of black codes.
- The party of the governor who stood in the school house door.
- The party of 1894 Repeal Act.
- The party of Planned Parenthood (which kills 60% of black babies)
- The party against 40 Acres and a Mule.
The Democratic Party, founded by President Andrew Jackson, killed and/or fought against the following legislation:
Civil Rights Act 1866
Reconstruction Act of 1867
Freedman Bureau Extension Act of 1866
Enforcement Act of 1870
Force Act of 1871
Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Civil Rights Act of 1960
And during the 60’s many Democrats fought hard to defeat the
1964 Civil Rights Act
1965 Voting Rights Acts
1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act
It looks like Richard Spencer fits right in.
And, before you reflexively bock, but, but, but the “Southern Strategy”…
Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?
The south used to vote Democrat. Now it votes Republican. Why the switch? Was it, as some people say, because the GOP decided to appeal to racist whites? Car…