Who THEY’RE Following on Twitter

June 1, 2011

In light of WeinerGate we checked some of our elected officials yesterday. Good thing.
As of yesterday the Accidental Senator Jeff Merkley was following a bunch of news agencies–and singer Taylor Hicks—but this morning Hicks was gone from his “following” file. 
Governor Chris Gregoire followed a bunch of state agencies and organizations–and Governor Jennifer Granholm. Wow, Washington, she could be taking cues from one of the worst governors in America. 
Senator Wyden follows the usual news agencies, lefty columnist Matt Miller and MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan and many other MSNBC illuminati. No Fox allowed. He differs from his fellow libs and follows two Republicans: State Rep Matt Wingard and pretend Republican Olympia Snowe. He’s the only one who follows persons with opposing points of view.
Rep Schrader follows the usual news and fellow congressmen as well as this lady and this lady.  

Bow Tie Blumenauer appears to have just added Rep Anthony Weiner to his ‘Following’ list. Well, at least it sat right at the top of his list. Maybe it’s a statement of solidarity from one distinguished member to another. 
Some of the other liberatti on Blumenauer’s list includes Nicholas Kristoff of the NYT, Think Progress, 1000 Friends,  some guy named TeeFriz, Keith Olbermann and Steph Cappa, who appears to be his aide. He also follows “Grist,” which is not a homoerotic website but a lefty blogger (nifty looking website, too) which featured a story about “TeaB******s.”
I thought liberals were supposed to be so smart and open minded but this group follows nearly no persons of opposing points of view. Interesting, no?

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