Who Doesn’t Have to Buy ObamaCare

March 25, 2010


It’s included in my post the other day about the lawsuits (here), but since Michael Savage (KPAM 3-6PM) has decided to high light who DOESN’T have to pay for ObamaCare I thought I’d clarify that he’s telling only part of the story. It’s probably because he doesn’t know at this point considering the confusion about what Obamacare does and doesn’t cover (for instance children with preexisting conditions apparently AREN’T covered immediately). However, the attorneys bringing suit against the feds for ObamaCare have looked at the legislation and have concluded these are the people who will be exempted:

Exemptions to the tax penalty only apply for individuals with certain religious objections, American Indians, those persons without coverage for less than three months, undocumented immigrants, incarcerated individuals, or some individuals with financial hardships.

That’s right, illegal aliens are exempted from the taxes and our friends in Oregon City who don’t like traditional medicine will be able to opt out. I think we should ALLLLLLLL become instant “Followers of Christ” sect members. Just kidding.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com