White House tweets pics of first dogs in lap of luxury. Clunk.

February 10, 2014


H/T Dana Loesch https://twitter.com/FLOTUS/status/433028472689012736

Aren’t those dogs the cutest ever? That’s Bo and Sunny at the White House getting ready for a state dinner … or something.

 If you follow me on social media: www.facebook/vtshowhttps://www.facebook.com/victoria.taft.3https://twitter.com/VictoriaTaft, instagram: 5vtshow You KNOW I love my dogs. That’s my Lucy Loo Hoo on the top and my big girl Moby on the bottom.

lucy on beach  But, while I know somebody is trying to be cute on the @Flotus twitter feed, could they please have some sensitivity about the plight of the unemployed the Obama regime has created? Could they please have some sensitivity about people thrown onto government assistance by your administration?

michelle obama

And, while you’re living it up, Madame First Lady, the country is having a hard time and you’ve let your minions send out a picture showing your dogs doing better than some Americans. You appear to be the embodiment of Rousseau’s fiction, “Finally I recalled the stopgap solution of a great princess who was told that the peasants had no bread, and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.” It was inaccurately attributed to Marie Antoinette.  

Moby fishing