Victoria Taft Endorsements

May 8, 2006


Governor: Saxton, Mannix. I wasn’t going to endorse in this primary and this is as far as I’m willing to go. I really, REALLY like Jason Atkinson but he won’t make it out of the primary (unless Jim Moore’s assessment of the a statistical dead heat is spot on). Atkinson’s a comer but he needs a little more life’s seasoning to take to heart that not everyone is out to get him. I look forward to voting for Jason when Mannix or Saxton term out as Governor. Saxton is absolutely on the money with his desire to reduce capital gains tax, PERS reform, and in acknowledging the drain illegal aliens put on our economy. Plus he knows his way around a boardroom. He’s ready and he can do the job. If he emerges as the Republicans’ candidate, Saxton needs to remember what he said during the primary. I don’t think this Goldschmidt stuff will hurt him.
Mannix has been there and done that and nearly got the governor’s job last time around. Mannix is the guy who helped get Measure 11 done. He’s a star for that. He can win in the general if this Loren Parks hoo ha can be dealt with. Parks may be a weirdo but thank goodness Mannix isn’t. Mannix showed up to the Operation ID rally at the capitol and has taken to heart its message. Plus he gave a terrific speech.

Congressional District 4: Jim Feldkamp. Jim Feldkamp wants to be in Congress and has the guts to jump in. He’s an attorney, businessman, a Naval Reserve Commander, and a former counter terrorism officer with the FBI. Unlike democrat Peter Defazio, Feldkamp actually believes that Saddam was a bad man who helped train terrorists before 9/11. Feldkamp has run this race before and his name ID in the last go round was good enough to garner him 32% of the vote in CD4. Even the Oregonian can’t stomach a Defazio endorsement. The newspaper of record (ha!) rightfully endorsed Feldkamp. Feldkamp signed his Operation ID letter while observing a Carousel of Crime at the University of Oregon. He’s not a wimp, he’s a man’s man, and he likes single malt scotch. So THERE!

Congressional District 5: Mike Erickson. He’s new, he’s exciting, pulled up by his own bootstraps kind of guy and is looking at this sickening overspending on the part of the members of Congress (who have an even LOWER approval rating than the President and Oregon’s Governor) and seeing it for the wrong it is. This guy’s made a payroll, he’s successful, and he’s ready. I don’t see him sliding into Gordon-“well Ron and I”-Smith terroritory. Oregon’s congressional delegation needs to be shaken up. Darlene Hooley is a back bencher, a me-toer, and it’s time for some real leadership in CD 5.

CD 1: Derrick Kitts is the latest yin to David Wu’s yang. He is the guy in the primary.
Supreme Court: Jack Roberts. Roberts has held elective office, he comes to the job with his Eugene sensibilities in tact so lefties need not be afraid that he’s some reactionary kook. He’s an attorney who’s honest, funny, smart and possesses conservative values. I don’t know about you ladies out there, but the endorsement of the woman in this race JUST BECAUSE SHE’S A WOMAN (Oregonian, Willamette Week) is deeply insulting as if we have no core set of values ourselves. Jack Roberts is the guy. This Oregon Supreme Court swings only one way: left. Jack Roberts will go a long way toward bringing some sanity to this collection of nuts.

Marion County Circuit Judge: Ross Day. There is no more important race than this one against entrenched incumbent Paul Lipscomb. Lipscomb deep sixed Measure 7 (the precursor to M 37), he’s done the will of the democrat apparatus in deconstructing initiatives that Oregonians have passed, and he is the one who handed off the Measure 37 to Judge Mary Merten James who did his bidding by finding a way to unravel Measure 37 by any means necessary. She should resign in disgrace. He should go with her. Plus, how dumb is it to use your office and office phone for your campaign headquarters all these years? Hint: it’s illegal.

Metro Council: Would you be suprised if I told you Tom Cox? Of course not. He’s the only choice for Metro Council but if there were a choice of reasonable candidates he’d still be my choice.

Portland City Council: Dave Lister. He’s the “East Side Guy.” He’s not some elitist, utopia-at-all-costs dope. He’s a level headed businessman who’s got a blue collar heart. Plus, he’s a sharp computer guy but doesn’t make the mistake of thinking he’s the smartest guy in the room (Even though he usually is). Erik Sten must go and Ginny Burdick is not the answer.

Crime Victims United’s judge endorsements:
Washington County Circuit Court: Charlie Bailey
Multnomah County Circuit Court: Kathleen Paine
Lane County Circuit Court: Deborah Vogt
Marion County Circuit Court: Ross Day
State Supreme Court: Jack Roberts

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