*UPDATE: The Only Thing the NYT DIDN’T Do Was Say, "That one, yeah, THAT guy, over there."

July 17, 2006


This just in Tuesday:

The New York Times plans to narrow the size of its flagship newspaper and close a printing plant, resulting in the loss of 250 jobs, the company said in a story posted on its Web site late on Monday.
The changes, set to take place in April 2008, include the closure of a printing plant in Edison, New Jersey. The company will sublet the plant and consolidate its regional printing facilities at a plant in Queens, the paper said.
The newspaper will be narrower by 1 1/2 inches. The redesign will result in the loss of 250 production jobs, the company said.

(caption of picture)
A sniper loyal to Shiite cleric Moqtada al Sadr fires towards U.S. positions in the cemetery in Najaf, Iraq.

Michele McNally: “Right there with the Mahdi army. Incredible courage.”

Imagine this: “Right there with Hitler’s army. Incredible courage.”

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com