Union Thug Assaults Small Woman Outside FreedomWorks

February 23, 2011


Union thugs assembled outside the offices of FreedomWorks and after spewing their vitriol towards a FreedomWorks member trying to have a “civil discourse” with him, well, watch for your self.

The woman, Tabitha Hale who was filming the exchange, describes what happened,
“I’m a 5’1 female in a dress, and he was standing up on a garden wall above me in the courtyard. He hardly felt threatened. I was stunned, because generally protesters are there to, you know, get their message out. They don’t normally shy away from the camera. I’m very much okay, and very appreciative of the support from my fellow bloggers and activists today. I am, however, shaken up by the level of sheer hatred I experienced today. The look of fury on his face in the close up is appalling. I had not exchanged a word with him. He didn’t know who I was. He didn’t even know my name, what I do. He had probably surmised that I was with FreedomWorks and that was enough.”

Read the full description HERE

Fed up with the double standard and the violence from union thugs and the “tolerant” liberals yet?

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com