Union Goons in London Call for "Taxing the Rich"

March 27, 2011


Just like in America, public unions in London don’t like that they are expected to pay their fair share in sacrificing to help pull the world’s economies out of this deep recession we remain locked into. We’ve seen it in Wisconsin and elsewhere as unions line up to demand more taxes taken out of anybody they can squeeze it out of, primarily the “rich.”

Why are tax raises always called for on the rich, who create the jobs, pay the bulk of revenues and donate the most to charitable organizations? It was all explained last Thursday outside of the Vancouver office of Washington 3rd Congressional District Representative, Jaime Herrera Beutler by a member of Moveon.org staging a rally there and caught on tape.

What would the incentive be for public unions to begin paying their fair share?

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com