Tonight on the Victoria Taft Show 6-9pm am 860 KPAM, Portland, Oregon

June 27, 2006


Andy Mc Carthy of National Review on the NYT’s leak story.
Mark W. Smith, author of the new book Disrobed The New Battle to Break the Left’s Stranglehold on the Courts.
Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute (see excerpts and links to her Weekly Standard piece on the NYT leak below).

Andy Mc Carthy of the National Review on the debate over whether to legally stop the NYT from revealing yet more war secrets.
Here’s his latest story. Here’s what he thinks:
Anger over the leaking of national-defense information by the media may have hit critical mass with the exposure, by the New York Times and other newspapers, of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program. Since this highly effective counterterrorism tool was compromised last Friday, President Bush and Treasury Secretary Snow have spoken out forcefully in protest, and many commentators — including here at National Review Online — have argued that this rhetoric must be matched by strong corrective action.But what action? New York Republican congressman Peter King boldly contends it’s time for a real nuclear option: an investigation and prosecution directly targeting the New York Times.
And here’s what he’s said about the outrageous case here and here.

Heather Mac Donald writes in the Weekly Standard:
BY NOW IT’S UNDENIABLE: The New York Times is a national security threat. So drunk is it on its own power and so antagonistic to the Bush administration that it will expose every classified antiterror program it finds out about, no matter how legal the program, how carefully crafted to safeguard civil liberties, or how vital to protecting American lives.
Get the rest of the piece here.

Here’s where you can get Mark Smith’s books here and here.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://