Dr. Ball says he’d be glad to spar with you on the air. We could do on Friday, Monday, or Tuesday.

What day will work for you? It would probably be in the 7pm hour.

If he’s such a has been as you suggest this should be a piece of cake for you.

—–Original Message—–

From: David Appell [mailto:appell@nasw.org]

Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 1:12 PM

To: Victoria Taft

Subject: Re: talk suggestion: hockey stick

victoria@kpam.com wrote:

> Because he’s my expert and he’s awesome.

But why is he “your expert?”

Is it independent of his views? Is there something about the way he does science? Does it matter to you that he doesn’t do real research anymore, never did much of anything impressive when he was a practicing scientist, is no longer a practicing scientist, doesn’t attend the field’s major conferences, no longer publishes papers, and is hardly in the inside loop of the climate science profession?


> —–Original Message—–

> From: David Appell [mailto:appell@nasw.org]

> Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 4:50 PM

> To: Victoria Taft

> Subject: Re: talk suggestion: hockey stick


> victoria@kpam.com wrote:

>> Congratulations! Scientific American? That’s awesome. Come on and

>> debate it

> > with Tim Ball. Then at least it will be a fair fight.


> Sure — call or email me, and I’ll be on your show. I’ll even come

> into Portland to do it in person.


> But why would you (1) have me, a journalist, when there are plenty of

> climate scientists in Oregon deeply involved in the subject, and (2)

> why would you have Tim Ball, who is not an active researcher in the

> field and who has not published any papers since 1995 (that I’m aware of).


> David

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com