May 28, 2022

Episode 62

A 1/6 arrestee speaks from detention, and a meditation on why we do what we do.

Something a little different for this episode of the Adult in the Room. Victoria fills everyone in on her work covering the Durham Probe for PJ Media. Then, a discussion of what inspired her to embrace conservatism, question the media, and why exactly she does everything she does.

Then, an interesting interview: Jake Lang is a young New Yorker who is currently jailed in Virginia, awaiting trial in 2023 for his role in the January 6th riot on the Capitol grounds. Is he a patriotic citizen journalist who genuinely want that day to petition his government? Or is he a bat-wielding thug, brainwashed by a diet of conspiracy theories and bad journalism? That’s debateable. But is it right for a defendant to sit in prison for nearly3 years awaiting trial?

Durham Trial: FBI Brass Hid Hillary Connection From Agents Probing Trump-Russia Bank Hoax
Joe Biden’s Tone-Deaf Texas School Shooting Speech Is Absolutely Smashed by Dana Loesch
Flashback: Watch Hillary Clinton Denounce ‘Fake News’ When She Was the One Weaponizing It Against Trump
‘Sick Son of a B***h!’: Watch ‘Soulless’ Beto O’Rourke Shamelessly Crash Texas School Shooting Presser
Durham Trial Drawing to Close Without Hillary’s Lawyer Testifying Why He Gave FBI Trump Russia Disinfo
Durham: The Case of Hillary’s Accused Lying Lawyer Goes to D.C. Jury
West Coast, Messed Coast™ Report: A Time When Police Knew How to Respond to a Mass Shooting

Victoria Taft @ PJ Media