April 25, 2024

Episode 129

The Postmodern Prophets: Questioning the Cult of Climate Change with Dr. Roy Spencer

NASA climate researcher Dr. Roy Spencer joins the program to talk about his work and the politics of climatology!

Dr. Roy Spencer has an extensive scientific pedigree. He’s a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama – Huntsville, and the US Science Team leader for the AMSR-E aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite. He’s been lauded by the American Meteorological Society for his groundbreaking work monitoring Earth’s temperature fluctuations. So when he expresses a scientifically-backed hypothesis that climate change is part of a naturally-occurring cycle and that human impact is small and possibly negligible, it carries a great deal of weight. Instead, he’s been mocked and challenged by untrained activists, and even had his own job explained to him by a reporter on national television. Today, he joins the program to discuss his work, as well as his concerns about activism- and ideology-driven government weighing down scientific research.