I’ve come back from the Tea Party Express rally at Michael’s (Sandy at Burnside). Michael’s parking lot was packed tight with eager, handsome folks with signs and flags! The big bus pulled in at 1:00 PM carrying the main people and parked alongside the other big bus already in place.
We listened to the speakers, they played some good live music, they had some excellent singers, and we sang along. People passing in the streets honked their horns in support. People were taking photos and video and there were some pros with larger equipment there. Some guys with cameras took up spots on a billboard next to the lot.
There were some fantastically creative hand-made signs! All clever and to the point! One large one said, “AXIS OF TAXES – Pelosi, Obama, Reid.”
There were dozens of Gadsden flags and American flags among the many signs of different sizes.
The crowd was well attended by veterans of all the services: Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines.
There were maybe 2 fruit loops who passed through the crowd. . .they looked like folks who’d busted out of an asylum, yelling and spitting. The crowd looked askance at them with lifted eyebrows. Getting no traction, they faded and left.
It was very energetic and patriotic. After it ended, all the people flooded into Michael’s to spend some money and his place was packed to the walls, and we lined up to thank him for stepping up and offering his lot!
We took menus away with us!
My best,