Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics: Lawlessness & the Consequences Thereof with John Lott
John Lott talks about numbers vs. perception when it comes to crime in America.
John Lott talks about numbers vs. perception when it comes to crime in America.
Did Wrecking Ball Maxine Waters Give Derek Chauvin Grounds for an Appeal?
Derek Chauvin’s Fate Is Now in the Hands of the Jury
Welcome to MedellÃn, Minn., Where Elected Officials and Cops Are Afraid of BLM and Antifa Race ‘Cartels’
Who Are the Jurors in the George Floyd Case and Are They Safe?
Former Cop Chauvin Won’t Testify, Defense Rests in Death of George Floyd. Now, About Those Riots..
Prosecution Rests in Chauvin Trial and the Jury Is Told to ‘Pack a Bag’
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