As in every case, including Sweet Cakes by Melissa, administrative judges work for the departments over which they adjudicate.
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Almost as soon as the administrative law judge working for the government of Oregon handed down a $135,000.00 fine against Sweet Cakes by Melissa, the Go Fund Me page set up to help pay their legal bills was taken down.
Friday, the bureaucrat working for the state of Oregon ruled the bakery owners personally owed the money to a lesbian couple because in January of 2013, the devout Christian bakers told the couple they wouldn’t make a cake for their wedding.
Aaron and Melissa Klein, whose business has since closed, now face personal bankruptcy.
The Daily Signal reports Aaron says the state chose to go after the couple to destroy them:
Aaron, in an exclusive interview with The Daily Signal on Sunday, said the state of Oregon is attempting to “obliterate” his family.
“The state is now saying that we can award damages above and beyond what you have already suffered … and they have no qualms about doing this,” he said. “It is really showing the state is taking a stance on absolutely obliterating somebody that takes a different stance than the state has.”

As The Daily Signal reports, Klein attorney, Anna Harmon, seems to indicate the state was on a seek and destroy mission:
“An important thing to understand about the damages the state is claiming in this case is that the [fine] isn’t going to come from liquidating business assets,” she said.
Their business is gone. They don’t have business assets so when we talk about [the fine], it’s personal. It means that’s money they would have used to feed their children that they can’t use anymore.
In order to spin up the fine, the lesbian couple had to submit a list of horribles they suffered at the hands of the bakers.
Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer have since managed to plan a wedding and mother a child but were apparently barely able to cope as the case went on.
The (poorly) alphabetized list reads like a 15 year old’s attempt to make a glossary for a last-minute research paper. See both full lists below, but here are just a few of the harms from one of the women: (note the conflicting or same maladies):
A: Anger, Anxiety, Apprehension
C: Concern for privacy, crying
D. Degradation, “demeanment“, depression, devastation, disbelief, discomfort, doubt
E. (listed after the F’s) Excessive sleep, embarrassment, exhaustion
F. Forced to borrow money, fear of not being able to get another job, felt stupid
H. Horror, humiliation, hurt, hysteria.
I. Insomnia, indignity, irritability with family and friends
L. Loss of appetite, loss of sleep, pride, etc
M. Mental anguish, mental distress
N. Nervous appetite,
P. Pale and sick after work, public humiliation
R. Resentment, ridicule
S. Sadness, self doubt, shock, stunned, surprise
T. Tension
U. Uncertainty, upset, upset stomach
W. Worry, wounded
The other member of the couple listed ‘Mental Rape’ as a by product of the case.
It sounds as if the couple has a bigger case against the State of Oregon for the legal process than from the initial harm from Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Look at those lists: most of the harms came after they complained and the state took over the legal action against the Christian bakery.
The Daily Signal reports Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries chief, Brad Avakian, could reduce the fine if he wanted to. Considering the progressive ideologue has championed the case in his politicization of BOLI, that is doubtful.
After all, as a progressive hero once pointed out:
If You Want to Make an Omelet, You Must Be Willing to Break a Few Eggs.
Even if it means sacrificing one family and their heart felt, sincere, religious beliefs to the ‘state’.
‘Progressives?’ Makes that Oppressives.