So Much for Using Former Blazer Star Scottie Pippin’s House for a Forest Heights Community Center. It’s Sizzold Fo Shizzle.

June 23, 2009


Forest Heights folks are having a debate over whether or not they should get rid of the lovely playground, pond and walking paths in favor of a $6 million community center complete with pool, meeting areas, and grounds. The Homeowner’s Association wants to spend the dough and the Homeowners reportedly don’t. The center would result in assessing each homeowner potentially thousands of dollars.
Considering that many folks who live in this lovely ‘hood have room and money for their own gyms, spas and pools or belong to fitness clubs which provide those things, spending millions on a center seems beside the point. Alas, group think and taxing authority are a powerful narcotic to folks elected to a position to DO SOMEthing. That usually means spending your money.
It’s here we come to Scottie Pippin’s house. The 18,000 sq ft home sits on several acres and boasts a pool and lovely grounds. The asking price of the house was $2.7 mil. Not a bargain, but compared to $6 mil for a club house it sure seemed like it. Some folks at the Northwest Examiner floated the idea of shoring up Pippin’s house and using it for the center.
That idea has gone up in smoke. After years of sitting vacant, the sold sign has gone up. The real estate agent tells me it will close late next month.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://