Jackson threatens pulling your black credentials if you don’t favor government health care takeover and you’re black.
Jesse Jackson, who wept almost as many tears when Barack Hussein Obama was elected president as Jackson did when he was not, has now once more exposed himself with his public charge that any black member of House or Senate who votes against the governmental takeover of one-sixth of the economy through the nationalization of health care as proposed by Pelosi in the House or Reid in the Senate, cannot “call yourself a black man.” Presumably, Jesse meant to include Black Women, too, but gender blended.
Jesse Jackson made this racist statement while continuing to hold himself out as a “Reverend” and a spokesperson for African Americans.
Therefore, I have to ask: If Jesse Jackson can publicly state that “you can’t vote against health care and call yourself a black man,” then who does the epithet racist fit? White men?
If Jesse Jackson can utter the manifestly racist statement he did (imagine if George Bush had said something of that nature only used “white man” instead), without being repudiated by the African American community for whom he purports to speak, then who are the racists? White people?
Further, why is it that all media and almost all white people in this and in other situations, call Jackson “The Reverend”?
Jackson never graduated from a seminary (he dropped out of the only one he briefly attended). He holds no divinity or theological degree from any institution. He’s never been ordained by any recognized denomination. He’s never pastored a church.
The closest thing he has to anything resembling eduction in theology or divinity is an “Honorary” degree (of about the same value and integrity as the kind you can buy from the Universal Church or buy off the internet) which was conferred for political and cosmetic reasons long after Jackson walked around proclaiming himself to be “the Reverend.”
In short, Jackson can produce nothing whatsoever to meet the standards otherwise required for a person to be recognized as religious clergy, i.e., a “Reverend.” What church does this “Reverend” pastor now? What church has he ever pastored?
So, is it by way of some “black skin privilege” that Jackson calls himself “The Reverend” and the media goes along with Jackson’s demand that he be called “The Reverend”?
Forgive me if I decline to address or identify the self-promoting race hustler Jesse Jackson as “The Reverend,” the title which should be earned by any person purporting to be a clergyman, a “man of the cloth,” a man dedicating his life as a religious, not political, leader.
Any white man who called himself, and demanded to be called, “The Reverend” the media, any white man who dropped out of seminary, held no earned degree, and never pastored a church and then demanded to be addressed as “The Reverend” by the media, would be scorned, scoffed at, and disregarded by the media, or mocked for making the demand..
Why is the same standard not applied for Jesse Jackson?
Jackson can call himself whatever he wants, including “the Reverend.”
But the media commits a disservice when it deceives the public into believing Jesse Jackson is a member of the clergy by calling him “The Reverend.”
Forgive me if I believe that it is racist for white people to hold black people to lesser standards of behavior, as that very act implies that black people are lesser people, so inferior that they cannot be held to the same standards as all other people.
–Rees Lloyd is a civil rights attorney, Veteran’s activist, author and, when we can talk him into it, blogger at Victoria Taft blog where he helps paint the targets in the culture war.
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