Sam’s Sex Change Operation

June 1, 2011


…and what an operation it is: a total operation on taxpayers. Ever since Sam Adams had his unfortunate common sense bypass surgery, he’s left the taxpayers in the sloshing bucket of biowaste.
Sewer money is raided for bike paths, then the mayor turns around and raises fees for water and sewage (85% over five years!). The shell game that is light rail/Sellwood Bridge/car tax should be dissected in a college ethics class for what NOT to do. Examples of his profligate spending extend from here to…well, up that hill over there at the door of the Kohler Coaster on pill hill.
Now he wants us to cover sex change operations.

The Portland mayor says a sex change operation “only” costs $32,000, so why not have taxpayers cover it for city employees? I ask him this: if it “only” costs $32,000 why not have your overpaid staffers (here) pay for it?
I forgot to add that Kirk the Wonder Man discovers that sex change operations costs $50,000-$100,000 depending on which way you want to swing.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://