Saddam’s Yellow Cake Removed and Sold

July 7, 2008


Where’s Ambassador Joe Wilson? Crickets.
The story (here) is that the US helped the Iraqi Government SELL ITS YELLOWCAKE (uranium–you know, the stuff Valerie Plame’s husband said was non existent?) to a firm in Canada to dispense of it.

Almost everything about the deal made for spy novel fodder: a multimillion-dollar shipment of yellowcake uranium, the final vestiges of Saddam Hussein’s once-hyped nuclear program, quietly moved from Baghdad to Montreal via a controversial U.S. military base in the Indian Ocean, all done under orders of absolute secrecy.
The yellowcake, all of which is believed to date before 1991, originated at the Tuwaitha nuclear complex south of Baghdad.

Maybe it is from pre 1991. We’ll probably never know. But what difference would that make and why would Joe Wilson said it didn’t have any interest in receiving from Niger?
Shout out to Andy from Beaverton.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://