Right On Schedule ACORN Cries Racism

September 11, 2009


As expected Margaret Williams, a Board member of the Maryland ACORN office has issued a statement claiming, “Fox agents attempted to enter ACORN offices in New York, in Philadelphia, in San Diego, in Los Angeles, and possibly other locales. In each case they were turned away, and in Philadelphia ACORN staff were concerned enough that a police report was filed.”

William’s statement also accuses Fox News of, “inciting racism and threats of violence with the Teaparties, to Fox unleashing a hit job on ACORN the day after an inspiring Presidential healthcare speech before Congress, Fox has long since abandoned any journalistic pretense.”

As we have come to expect from anyone associated with the Democrat Party, Ms Williams finishes with, “It is clear and not coincidence that FOX continues to attack and divide our nation along racial lines. We believe our country is beyond this type of attack and call on all Americans to demand that FOX stop its racist coverage.”

Exposing ACORN for criminal activity is now “racist” too.

Perhaps she should address the 2 New Black Panther members who were filmed blocking the way for voters they didn’t want to vote in the 2008 elections and why charges were dropped for them.

Neither of these two youths are “agents of Fox News,” but Hannah is a 20 year old college student, daughter of Townhall.com columnist who has written one column for Townhall.com

James is 25 years old and classifies himself as an “independent film investigative journalist.” Also, not a Fox agent.

Besides the bogus and over used cry of racism every time a liberal gets caught, constantly demonizing the only news network that actually reports news has also gotten old.

James explains why he refuses to return calls from CNN.

ACORN’s lame attempt at diversion HERE.

Although expected, a very lame attempt at covering up.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com