KATU reports tonight that Multnomah County Chair Jeff Cogen used his kids to babysit his mistresses’ children and discussed marriage and a job promotion with her.
From KATU:
Hundreds of emails between Multnomah County Chairman Jeff Cogen and Sonia Manhas paint a broader picture of their relationship – one sprinkled with flirtation, talks of private lunches and persistent smiley faces.
Here’ s the ookity part about his kids babysitting hers,
The two grabbed lunch often, went to a Rush concert together and Cogen’s kids babysat her children.
“It’s weird,” Manhas wrote in October 2011 about the babysitting. “Yup,” he wrote back.
Then of course there’s the part about him positioning her, ahem, for a new job and 20% raise.
…the emails show the two did talk about the promotion: Manhas forwarded the job opening to Cogen with the message: “FYI (with a smiley face emoticon).” He emailed back a smiley face. In September when Manhas got the job, Cogen emailed her: “Damn, that Sonia woman sounds great!”
Cogen has said he doesn’t believe he violated any county rules because Manhas isn’t his subordinate.
Coincidentally, in one email sent Aug. 30, 2011, Manhas wrote in reference to a county project: “…I would rather work directly for you.”“Sounds good to me!,” Cogen wrote back.
KATU reports going through 500 emails between the two. 500. Including ones about marriage and her job promotion,
KATU found flirtatious emails and undertones of a deeper relationship — and a whole lot of smiley faces in the emails. The two also discussed the job promotion that Manhas ultimately received.
Among the signs of something deeper: In June 2011, Manhas alluded to a conversation the two had in the car.
She wrote: “Fun last night. I’m intrigued with what you shared on the drive back about marriage. Let me know if you are interested in picking up that conversation sometime. You can also tell me if this is totally an unwelcome inquiry.”
Cogen wrote back: “Hope you’ve crossed the border into vacation. Let’s get lunch again and we can continue our conversation.”
If I’m the head of the Children’s Fund (Cogen’s wife) I’m dumping the dude. Using your kids to babysit your girlfriend’s kids while you’re having an affair? Using your influence to get a job and raise –using taxpayer funds–for the woman you’re screwing??
Wake up, Portland. This is what corruption looks like.