Rein In the IRS Rally Tuesday in Portland

May 20, 2013


irs-protestThanks to a twitter follower, I found out about a nationwide effort to rally folks to rally in front of the IRS Tuesday. Because nobody else was organizing anything in concert with this effort and since I’ve wanted to do SOMEthing in response to this IRS abuse, I thought I’d go ahead and organize it. 

Your time is important so this will be short and, I hope, impactful. Please come at 12:15-12:45 and bring your sign and a smile. 

Please go to the Facebook page to RSVP:

IRS locationNATIONWIDE TEA PARTY. ALL HANDS. GENERAL QUARTERS. TEA PARTY MAY 21ST AT IRS OFFICE at IRS Office 100 Sw Main St, Portland OR 97204. 12:15-12:45PM Bring your CLEAN & RESPECTFUL signs.VIA MICHELLE MALKIN, GATEWAY PUNDIT, NORMAL AMERICAN PEOPLE! I said via twitter last week we need a Tea Party.