If you listen to the President’s soundbite in the Pete the Banker’s post below, you’ll note Mr. Obama says his rhetoric hasn’t been extreme. Instead he claims it’s been calm in his discussion of the government shutdown.
But that’s not true. The President and his administration have called Republicans and conservatives “extremists,” “hostage takers,” “anarchists,” “jihadis,” “suicide vest” wearers, “sabateurs,” “terrorists,” “squealing political pigs,” “political arsonists,” and many others. And, once again, I feel really sad that the President thinks so little of me and other people who care about the financial excesses and loss of liberty that he resorts to name calling.
When did fiscal responsibility become ‘extremist?”
To wit:
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Tea Party extremists caused this #BoehnerShutdown. Tell @SpeakerBoehner to end it now: http://t.co/hLq6qOd2lM pic.twitter.com/WW4soKEibu
The petulant President has ordered Normandy, WWII Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, the Liberty Bell and, according to him, the Statue of Liberty closed as well as many other memorials. He closed, then got so much flak resumed, the service academy athletic schedule, shut down privately run commissaries on military bases, flipped the switch and turned off the already scaled back AND privately financed Miramar Air Show and many other activities to inflict the maximum amount of pain on the greatest number of people.
While he has agreed to talk with terrorists in Iran, Syria, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda, this President refuses to budge when it comes to negotiating with the political party which represents millions of Americans. I know they’re playing political games but so is he. Whose government shutdown is this? His.