Portland Fire Fighters gift Kitzhaber with free commercial before election.

August 29, 2014


Portland Fire and Rescue gifts John Kitzhaber with a PSA, web page ad and Facebook post within 90 days of election.

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H/T Lars Larson Show

You can’t see inside the warrens of offices in Salem to find out how the people’s business is being conducted. If you could, you’d see how the apparent fix was put in to biff the defense of the traditional marriage constitutional amendment and previous land use cases, for example. But in the case of the just-released Portland Fire and Rescue public service announcement, well, it’s just right out there in the open for all to see. And, as Ronald Reagan famously said, “Don’t be afraid to see what you see.” Indeed, what you’re seeing here is a real live campaign ad. And here’s the chaser: you paid for it. 

Governor Kitzhaber: Learn CPR, Save a Life

Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber recently pulled his car over when he saw someone on the side of the road in distress. He performed CPR and helped stabilize th…

The City of Portland webpage says the video public service announcement is to call attention to ‘hands only CPR.’ In fact, it mentions ‘hands only CPR’ once on the lead page and twice on the jump page (which goes to the fire fighters Facebook page).

PF&R encourages everybody to learn Hands-Only CPR. In this newly released public service announcement, Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber joins PF&R to show the simple steps everyone can learn to save a life.

Portland Fire & Rescue will again be offering free hands-only CPR lessons to the public at the next and final Sunday Parkways event (www.portlandsundayparkways.org ) in Southwest Portland on September 28th.

In an interview with KXL’s Lars Larson on Thursday, a spokesman for the PF&R said, in effect, hands only CPR was so important they needed to underscore its importance. Underscore, underscore, underscore, hands only, hands only, hands only… Why now, asked Lars, 90 days before an election? There was no good answer except to accuse Lars of attempting to ‘spin’ the issue. Had they ever used a Governor in a PSA before, Lars asked. Why no, he didn’t believe so.

Interesting, isn’t it, the Governor, who’s in a tough re-election battle, is doing a star turn for a short PSA for a method that’s been around for more than four years? Why now, indeed. 

Of course, the Governor did a really nice thing recently. The PF&R tell you all about the heroism of the long out of practice ER doc turned politician who stopped to perform CPR on a woman,

 May 5th of this year, Governor Kitzhaber, a medical doctor, was on his way to dinner in downtown Portland when he noticed a woman in distress. He pulled over and performed CPR. His quick actions helped stabilize the person until PF&R paramedics could arrive on scene.

You’ll note the words “hands only” are not included in the description of the CPR conducted by the Democrat governor. Now wait a minute, Victoria, you may ask, how come after all the times they mentioned ‘hands only CPR’ in the PSA, on the Facebook post and in the interview with Lars, they didn’t mention it when describing the kind of CPR John Kitzhaber performed? Gosh, that is a real puzzler. 

But no matter. He’s a hero who’s been “reunited” with all those hunky fire fighters who saved that lady’s life without actually using the very kind of CPR being highlighted by this PSA, that is SO important, it must be highlight RIGHT NOW, four years after it went into adopted use. 

In this video, Governor Kitzhaber reunites with PF&R and offers tips on performing CPR in an emergency situation.

“Reunited” and it feels so goooooood…

Peaches & Herb – Reunited

B-Net® Channel. The finest YouTube R’n’B Channel.

This expenditure of public money to help out a friend of the unions and the Democrats who run the City of Portland may or may not be legal. It depends on the political party of the person doing the investigation, we expect.

We’ll all be holding our breath to see the second PSA installment for either Dennis Richardson or another doctor running for office this election cycle: Dr. Monica Wehby. She only saves lives of infants and children by doing, you know, the everyday, garden variety brain surgery. No biggie. In the meantime, maybe the PF&R with their camera crew will come along to help you when you pass out from waiting for equal time for Republicans.