Portland Considering City Income Tax?

April 17, 2012


Somebody is. At a time when property taxes are going up, not down; water and sewer rates are going up; President Obama has issued two dozen new taxes in ObamaCare; federal taxes are scheduled to go up after January first with the sunsetting of the Bush tax cuts; with Multnomah County asking for a library tax district; schools plan to float another behemoth bond; money is being siphoned off property taxes for cronies in the urban renewal rackets (see posts here) causing police, fire, schools and libraries to go without; we now learn that the City of Portland –or someone on their behalf– is now polling to find out if people will support a CITY INCOME TAX.

Jack Bog’s got it at his blog. Pray that it’s a big practical joke.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com