Plastic Claims by Oregon "Plastic" Bag Banners; Green Peace Says Stop Lying

February 10, 2011

I see here that another group of Oregon Oppressives is hyping the ubiquitous sea turtle eating the plastic bag picture again. Nobody knows where that photo came from and whether or not it was photo shopped. If its real, it’s sad but it doesn’t support the phony numbers I’m (still!) hearing about sea life and plastic bags. 
Oregon State researchers have recently urged plastic bag killers to stop overstating the size and content of the so called garbage patch and Green Peace has also asked them to knock it off. Apparently Oregon Oppressives didn’t get the memo. 
David Santillo, a marine biologist at Greenpeace, told The Times that bad science was undermining the Government’s case for banning the bags. “It’s very unlikely that many animals are killed by plastic bags,” he said. “The evidence shows just the opposite. We are not going to solve the problem of waste by focusing on plastic bags.

“It doesn’t do the Government’s case any favours if you’ve got statements being made that aren’t supported by the scientific literature that’s out there. With larger mammals it’s fishing gear that’s the big problem. On a global basis plastic bags aren’t an issue. It would be great if statements like these weren’t made.”

Ruh, Roh.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://