Pete the Banker: Santelli Rant: ‘If Not [Cuts] Now, Then When?"

July 11, 2011

Rick Santelli, emphatically suggests the United States has a spending problem and needs to change its spending habits.  And now is the time to face that problem.  As he suggests, “If not now, when?”

But then we need a “serious” President as suggested by Charles Krauthammer,   

“Obama has run disastrous annual deficits of around $1.5 trillion while insisting for months on a “clean” debt-ceiling increase, i.e., with no budget cuts at all. Yet suddenly he now rises to champion major long-term debt reduction, scorning any suggestions of a short-term debt-limit deal as can-kicking.”   This is Obama’s typical “clever strategy” — “Do nothing (see above); invite the Republicans to propose real debt reduction first; and when they do — voting for the Ryan budget and its now infamous and courageous Medicare reform — demagogue them to death.”
And when is the Democrat Senate going to act on a budget?  Any time in the next decade?
Historically, the argument invariably focuses on taxes and deficits. Yet even with higher taxes and higher inflation levels attempting to mitigate the impact of deficits, the real problem is never really addressed in Washington DC; the federal government’s addiction to ever increasing spending levels. 

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