Portland Teachers who have already voted to strike are planning what they hope is a massive protest Thursday, February 20th. In a strategy session recorded by Citizen Journalist Daylight Disinfectant, teachers say they plan to protest from 8am-to-noon on the 20th. However, as you’ll note below, they haven’t bothered to reserve the space for their hoped for protest.
I remember how the board ran away when 50 or 60 of these guys turned up at the school board meeting running like nobody’s business. I just don’t think they have the spang for this.
The teachers believe the mere threat of a protest will force the Portland school board to fold. The issues are money and hiring more teachers. Watch the video and listen to one of the teachers say she doesn’t think the Portland School Board has the guts–the ‘spang’– for a major protest.
Oops. Portland Teacher Spills Beans on Strike Plan
“Are we allowed to say anything about the rally?” Others seem unsure as a Portland teacher relays details of plans to shutdown the city at noon on February 2…
The word ‘spang’ sent me to the authority on these things, the Urban Dictionary, where I found,
1) The sound of someone being hit in the face, or over the head, with a shovel. Onomatapoeic.
“‘E was like, “Your bird’s a right munter!”, but I’ve got me shovel ‘andy, so I goes SPANG! Right in the chops. Wicked.”

The teacher rightly makes reference to the Portland School Board running like little girls in January when confronted by another batch of whackadoodle unionistas agitating for teachers. Citizen Journalist, Laughing at Liberals captured the take over of the meeting which was memorialized on this website. Who can forget their educated chants on behalf of the teachers,
Commie Mob Crashes School Board Meeting
Portland Public Schools board meeting is interrupted by hundreds of unions/socialist/communist activists, who were demanding, uhh, well, I think they were de…